18 April 2011

I May Not Go To Your School But I Have A Lot Of Feelings

Surprise: Updates!

I have decided to rework my blog and my approach to blogging in general. The previous scope of this blog felt far too limiting, and it kept me from posting a number of things. Thus, I have decided to give my blog a face-lift and a new mission. In doing so, I have changed the title (and the url) of the blog: I have christened it "The Radical Pagan." I chose this name for a number of reasons. Firstly, my views are not the average views of the pop-Pagan community, and they are therefore radical. Secondly, as the new tagline evinces, a 'radical' is one who seeks to get to the root, and that is what I am doing: trying to get to the roots of the problems and the Truths of Paganism. Finally, a radical is a free-agent, not bound by the ideologies and categories held by others; a radical thinks for itself. For all of these reasons, I have decided that this blog truly is and needs to be radical.

Along with this renaming, I have also expanded the breadth of topics covered within the blog. Whereas before I focused on Gaelic Polytheism and Witchcraft, I now will use this space to discuss Paganism writ large in both practical and academic ways. Regardless of this change in direction, my mission remains the same: I seek to entice people into thinking for themselves. Yes, I may at times present arguments that are discomforting. Yes, I may be very opinionated on some matters. But, no, you do not have to agree with me, and I never expect you to. My simple hope in all that I write is that it will generate the reader's thought processes. Think whatever you want, but have a reason why you think what you do.

Like the emotional girl on the movie Mean Girls, I may not attend your school (of thought), but I have a lot of feelings. Stick around, and we just may get to share some of these emotions, beliefs, and opinions with each other.


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